Oscar Wilde

»Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing.« Oscar Wilde


My blog has moved! Mein Blog ist umgezogen!

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Hey there!

I think it is time for a new style and more creativity :-). So I moved my blog to another provider to make it nicer for you to follow me on my journey.  I moved all posts and your lovely comments there.

I also was a bit more creative with the name... ;-)

You can find my blog now under www.traveltocomecloser.com.

I am very curious what you think about my new website! I am looking forward to meet you there.

My blog moved.
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What is new?

  • Short information where I am at the moment [At the moment in ...]
  • On www.traveltocomecloser.com/blog/2014 you will find an overview with all posts sorted by the countries a summary and maps.
  • I have a newsletter where you can subscribe and stay updated about new posts. Alternative you can follow me on my Facebook page. There I inform about new posts as well.
  • Extra page for my series "Interview with Life Changer" which I will expand.
  • Google Translate and the Search function moved into the sidebar at the end of the website.

Here is a quick overview where you will find now Google Translate:
Google Translate and Search moved into the sidebar.